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Known Issue | The Impact's light may continue to breathe purple after connectingUpdated 7 months ago

Bug Summary: The Impact's light may continue to breathe purple after connecting

Affected Product: Impact

Targeted Release: fix coming soon

Bug Description:

After connecting to the dongle, the controller’s light should display solid purple. Once all units are connected, the dongle’s light should also display solid purple. 

This issue causes the light to continue to breathe purple, even after the unit(s) have connected to the dongle.

When does it occur?

When you power the Impact on and connect it to the dongle. It can affect any unit, including the dongle itself.

Temporary Workaround:

  1. Check the Launcher for the Impact’s connection status. Each unit should display as connected in the Impact menu.

  2. Launching the game and beginning a session will cause the light to show the correct colour.

  3. Resetting the affected unit should also correct the issue.

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